Tuesday, March 12, 2013

35. 35? 35?! 35!!

I turned thirty-five five days ago. I am not one to dread my birthday. Or pretend to be turning 19 when I am turning 35. Or deny the unavoidable turn of time. I celebrate it! With zeal. After all a lot happens on any given year and sometimes it feels as if it is truly a miracle to be one year older, wiser, happier. Turning 35 seems such a milestone birthday in someway. I think its because ten years ago I was celebrating my quarter century.  I was living in New York living life with reckless abandon, working on my master's degree, freelancing as an editor, and traveling on a whim. I set so many expectations for my life ahead of me. I of course had no real assumptions of what exactly life would be like in ten years,  however if you would have asked me what I thought my life would be like in the next ten years I would probably would have said I would be living in South America making documentaries, speaking Spanish, and enjoying the company of many exotic people. And if that same person told me I would be living in Seattle, married, with a 3 year-old son. I would have laughed, laughed really, really hard. It rains in Seattle too much.

Such is life. This is where life over the past ten years has taken me. Seattle. A mom. Married to a fabulous man (who I don't ever give enough credit to) Working for corporate coffee. A crazy story. This is who I am. And I am happy.

This is a new blog project I've started. The third one. I've tried to be a mom blogger, twice. I kept up with it each time for a bit, but being a mom is just one part of who I am. So keeping it going can only capture part of my interest. So beginning on my 35th year  I begin a new blog, one in which I write about the things that make me, me.  Family, exploring, gardening, food, facing challenges, and achieving goals. This blog will chronicle it all.