Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Lace 'em up

Now that the event of my first run is far behind me I feel as if I can share a little bit of what it was like.

First a bit of background. I have saved in my calendar a 2 o'clock appointment every Wednesday to go running. I ignored it for three weeks after I bought my super special running shoes. Then on the fourth Wednesday when I was feeling particularly balsy, and the weather a balmy 43, windy, with sporadic rain showers I decided this would be the day that I would begin my career as a runner. After all the worst of the wind had gone and it was crystal blue skies with white puffy clouds dotting the horizon. It was still cold but thats what fleece was made for.

I set my Couch to 5k app on my phone to work. Laced my shoes. Zipped up my fleece. I was off! Warm up walk done. Now down to the meat of the bones. I was running! Then the clouds seemed to be moving back in. But no matter I was running! Did I mention I run along the lake? Lake Washington is a rather large lake, meaning that at my house 3 blocks away the air can be calm but it can be a virtual windstorm at the lake. That's what fleece was made for right? I was beginning my journey as a bad ass 5k runner. It started to rain. Sideways. The wind picked up. I kept going. I was running! The hail began just as my app was telling me to start my cool down walk. I walked home in the hail, wind and rain. When I got home the clouds parted and I could see that crystal blue sky that I beckoned me out to begin with.

First run down. Worst conditions I've had the pleasure of running in yet.

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